Pau Cata

Pau Cata has been working in the cultural field as facilitator and curator for more than 10 years. He competed his degree in Contemporary History by the University of Barcelona in 2004 with awarded Erasmus in the Univercita degli studi di Firenze (Italy) and at the Laboratory of Anthopology a Democrit University of Komotini (Greece). In the same year he moved to London where he worked at The British Museum and the White Cube Gallery while completing a Diploma in Arts Management by Birkbeck College, participated in different courses on curating at Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design and created the curatorial partnership Nomadic Projects. He has an MA in Critical Arts Management and Media Cultural Studies by LSBU for which he was awarded a Distinction and the Course Director Price for Outstanding Achievement.
Since 2009 he is the founder director of CeRCCa, Center for Research and Creativity Casamarles, an Artists in Residence Program and research center outside of Barcelona. As part of his job he has been involved in numerous research projects in the field of artists mobility and Artists in Residence Programs in the South Mediterranean region. He is currently a PhD candidate at University of Edinburgh and co-coordinator of NACMM_North Africa Cultural Mobility Map, Kibrit and Platform HARAKAT.

Platform Harakat
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, Spain