
Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices: Imaginary Marseille
The last week of April was supposed to be the time for a meeting of the trajectory Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices in Marseille, but the lockdown that is in power in many countries due to the Corona virus outbreak conditioned us to deeply reshape our project that is largely based on travelling and physical meetings.

Fair governance models: Remote Athens Workshop
Onassis Air will host a 3-day workshop on "Fair Governance Models". Initially planned to take place in Athens, the workshop will bring together nine artists, researchers and practitioners in the cultural field, from across Europe and South Mediterranean, with a group of artists and art professionals based in Athens to reflect on the future of governance within the cultural field.

Value of art in social fabric: Remote Lisbon Workshop
The remote work within the RESHAPE group continues, this time in remote Lisbon. The group Value of Art in Social Fabric will work from 26 to 29 May on shaping their prototypes that will offer new approaches to this topic. They will work collectively on identifying their narrative on “reshaping the value of art in the social fabric”, in order to propose concrete, sustainable and realistic solutions for the art sector.

Remote Kiev: Solidarity Funding
The Solidarity Economies trajectory will continue shaping their rough ideas on what prototypes they want to work on. With help of the external facilitator, Konrad Gadzina, the group will focus on developing the manifesto that will underpin the principles for all other 5 prototypes ideas.