Yvonne Zindel

I studied Fine Art and Art Education at the HBK Braunschweig and graduate since 2014 at the HfBK Hamburg on "Performative Conversation" with Prof. Dr. Mania. My research is accompanied by a salon series, the "Performing Encounters". The salons were executed i.a. at KW Berlin, at Goethe Institute Krakau, at Bethanien Berlin, at Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin and got invited as transmediale guest. Since the digital, beside the art criticism, is my main topic, I am working as artistic assistant at the University of the Arts, Berlin since the beginning of 2018, on the project "Revisiting Collections – Transformations of Museum Education using the Example of new digital technologies in non-european, ethnological collections
", as part of the excellence project "DiGiTal - Digitization: Design and Transformation".
My approach to digital art education comes from engaging with different mediation concepts, which I came to know as scientific researcher of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. As a curatorial assistant I was responsible i.a. for the Academy of Arts Berlin and the Martin Gropius Bau for exhibitions like "Terry Fox" and "+ ultra" and developed an overall concept for the educational work in the Humboldt Forum. From October 2018 to January 2019 I am a scholarship holder of Akademie Schloss Solitude in the program art, science & business, within the network HYBRID with the TU Berlin. I am a mother of three.