Sarah Lauzemis

I was born in Brussels by a German mother and a Moroccan Father. After a Bachelor in Communication and Journalism, I started my career in 2010 as a cultural worker for Cimatics: a former Digital Arts Festival and Organisation in Brussels. I then rapidly became involved in the European project ECAS – European Cities of Advanced Sound - as the junior project manager for Cimatics.
I finished my Master’s Degree in Brussels with a final thesis on the ICAS – International Cities of Advanced Sound - Network in 2013. Just after my Master, I worked as a cultural worker in residence for two month at the ICAS member SOCO-Festival in Montevideo, Uruguay.
In 2014, I started to work for CTM Festival in Berlin for which I keep on collaborating annually on specific projects besides the festival. I co-founded the festival Schiev in Brussels in 2015, a partner organisation of the European project SHAPE.
Besides, due to a desire of expanding my knowledge and practice to another field and country, I decided to move to Spain and study Creative Documentary at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (2016-2018). While studying, I continued developing my career as a cultural worker with a base in a southern European context and with Mediterranean connections. Due to a personal interest for Morocco, being based in Spain allowed me at the same to travel more often to Morocco and gain a better knowledge about the issues and challenges of this specific Mediterranean region.